- intro
- your choice
- erfolg?
- damned to death
- hope
- sünderwahn
- finish him
- martyrs' death
- creed
- a.w.a.s.
- saved
Your choice
lyrics: martin
music: konni, a.w.a.s.
Once there was peace and love all around.
There was no evil and everything was fine.
Once upon a time, one angel thought in his mind:
I want to be almighty, almighty like God
He was thrown out of heaven and became the Beast,
The beast, that is called That's called: Satan.
God taught man to love and to live.
Satan seduced to sin, they have to die.
Everyone lived in sin. Satan ruled over them
But God sent his holy son,
So you can get forgiveness of your sin.
and so eternal live. He died for you and he died for me
You can resist the beast
and get a peaceful and holy live.
Once you will go to heaven,
and God will reward you thousand times.
Do not trust Satan's word.
He wants to seduce you.
Fight with me, fight with us,
live for Christ and spread his love.
We are strong through Jesus Christ.
At the end of time Satan will be thrown into eternal hell,
everyone who didn't believe t will follow him.
But you could live in heaven,
together with the holy God.
Where will you go?
Said you yes, or said you no?
Do you trust in Satan's lies,
or do you live in Jesus Christ ?
lyrics: martin
music: martin, a.w.a.s.
Wie siehst du aus
Du kannst es nicht
Was fragst du mich
Sollen andere doch helfen
Wer hört schon auf dich
Du bist nichts so soll es bleiben
Lass es sein es wird nichts geben
Deine Klamotten sind nur Dreck
Dich will eh keiner sehen
Wieso lachst Du? Was ist dein Grund?
Ich habe Geld - doch ich bin arm!
Ich hab "Freunde" - und bin allein!
Keine Liebe - wo ist der Sinn?
Wo komm ich her - wo geh ich hin?
Morgens 6 Uhr, es geht los
Ich bin so schön
I am the King
Mein Job ist mein Leben
Ich muss es erreichen
Aufsteigen, Kommandieren
ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste
Haben sie schon gehört?"
Ich hab ein Wahnsinns Haus
Mein Auto ist so mancher ´Traum
Ich habe Geld - doch ich bin arm!
Ich hab "Freunde" - und bin allein!
Keine Liebe - wo ist der Sinn?
Wo komm ich her - wo geh ich hin?
Wo ist dein Grund zur Freude?
Du hast nichts zu lachen!
Doch freust Du dich des Lebens
wer gibt dir diese Freude?
Du hast kein Geld - bist trotzdem reich
" Ich werde nicht ewig hier sein
bald wird Gott sich offenbaren,
Ich bin sein Kind - ihn zu sehen ist mein ziel
Ewig ich mit ihm leben - du kannst es auch
"Wenn ihr mich sucht so werde ich mich von euch finden lassen!"
Damned to death
lyrics: martin
music: martin
What have I done?
Am I schizophren?
The pieces don't fit!
But they are real!
Salt- sweet water flow forth
out of one well !
Worship the lord and swear at your brother out of one mouth
out of one mouth.
I tried to drown my Old Being,
but I realized,
that beast has learned to swim.
You are torturing me -
die Tormentor die !
You life in mortality -
die Tormentor die !
You try to pull me back, but Golgotha has smashed your neck.
Why do you still keep on fighting and don't accept, you are damned to death?
How can you be so malicious, Feast your eyes on this blood bath?
I tried to drown you Old Being,
but I realized you have learned to swim
You are torturing me
die Tormentor die!
You life in mortality
die Tormentor die!
Enjoy your remaining time,
you little perverse parasite.
you're drunken by innocent blood
One day my time will come,
cause he will grind your head !
So, realize you are damned to death!
Damned to death!
You are damned to death!
lyrics: martin
music: martin, a.w.a.s.
Every day you live in sin, every day without sense
Satan is your god, but soon he will rot
There is fear in your eyes, if you think of what's after death
Your intense hate, will bring you to hell
If you'll not change, your senseless life,
You'll suffer torment, in burning hell
The evil one, he lies to you
He doesn't tell you the truth
Satan tells so many lies
He has lost the paradise
The evil one will never rise
He will pay the price
But there is still hope for You, 'cause god loves you, so much,
that he sent his only son, who died for you upon the cross.
He wants to set you free, Jesus is the rescue for everyone,
you can be a child of god and get eternal life.
Ugly Satan evil liar.
Useless power against Jesus my Messiah.
Your corps will rot. And vultures will drink your blood.
You will burn in eternal fire.
That is your end, Father of lies
Your corpse will rot
But God will still be God
And I'm saved by Jesus
Christ my messiah
lyrics: martin
music: martin
Sehr hoch oben
jedoch nicht abgehoben
Michael - vieler Befehl ist sein Wort
zu jeder stunde - zu jedem Ort
Moses Leichnam er bewacht
nachdem bereits der Böse tracht´
Hass schlägt aus dessen Mund,
wider den Fürsten - ohne Grund.
Der Herr strafe Dich für diese Sache,
wer sonst wiederstünde deiner Rache ?
So spricht er ruhig; schlicht,
ohne Verachtung im Gesicht
Doch eins will den Verstand mir rauben,
Des vierten Wahnsinn, wer kann es glauben
Der Dritte zeigt Respekt,
wieder den Zweiten,
Der Vierte will ohne Recht
sogar gegen den Ersten streiten !
Wie lange noch wird Er es dulden
wie lange lässt er sich von Dir beschulden ?
Nicht mehr lange duldet Er blasphemisch Wort
Wehe, wenn Er hervortritt aus verborgenem Ort !
(Judas 1,9)
Finish him
lyrics: konni
music: a.w.a.s.
We are on our journey home to see God sitting on the white throne.
And some day we'll see his face so we run to that holy place.
We love our God Jesus Christ our King. In Heaven we will sing.
I hate the devil I love the Lord read the bible it's the sword.
Finish him! We hate the sin!
Finish him! Now we will win!
Finish him! We're clothed in white!
Finish him! We are the Bride!
We know the darkness will rise you know the hell will be their price.
The evil Satan is their King but for Jesus Christ we will sing.
To kill the evil that's my aim and fight for Jesus that's no game.
Against the evil, but they will grow. Jesus is here to make them bow.
Cause Jesus is Messiah. We live for Christ to get higher and higher.
I know the earth will fade away. The holy spirit shows the way.
Come and see I know it's hard, you have to be very smart.
Against the demons. They will die. Against the devil. I hear him cry
What do you think Jesus will say?
When you stand in front of his throne.
Now it is Time to give him your life.
And say Good-bye to the sin.
Martyr's Death
lyrics: martin
music: martin, a.w.a.s.
Are you ready …
ready to be cast out
ready to be beaten
ready to be in pain
ready to be killed
are you ready to be martyrized
or would you turn - would you mourn?
there is one thing you have to learn!
He was ready…
ready to be cast out
ready to be beaten
ready to be tortured
ready to be butchered
he was ready to be sacrificed
Behold; to live is Christ, and to die is gain!
lyrics: viktor
music: a.w.a.s.
You slept badly tonight, your dream was full of death.
You are afraid to die. You say that after live comes nothing,
but you can't believe our own words.
You awake in the middle of the night, sweat flows down your face.
You search the truth but you can't find anything.
Come to God he will show you the truth.
God loves you and he will not leave you.
He will save you all days of your live.
If Satan shows you your past, show him his future and say:
Rotting Satan, you will die.
Rotting Satan, burn in hell.
Rotting Satan, you are damned.
Rotting Satan, go back to hell
Rotting Satan, listen to my words:
Jesus is my savior and he forgave my sins,
So run away the almighty one will come.
Jesus will come back to take his bride, you have to be ready.
He'll come back to take those who love him with their Heart.
If you aren't ready you'll go to hell. Jesus said: "I'm the way, the truth
and the life, nobody will come to the father than through me"
Take Jesus in your heart and he'll wash your sins away.
With Jesus you will be a winner.
Satan is a looser and he'll be thrown into eternal flames
Fight against Satan all days of your live.
God rules.
Du wist ewig in der Hölle schmoren!
Christen werden dein winseln und Qualgeschrei hören ,
Satan und ihr Dämonen,
ihr werdet in ewigen Flammen gepeinigt.
Wie könnt ihr euch gegen den allmächtigen wenden?
Tod, wo ist dein Stachel?
Jesus hat dir den Kopf zertreten!
Gott ist Richter! Er wird das Gericht vollenden.
Wer sich gegen Gott auflehnt, wird auf ewig in der Hölle brennen.
Satan du hast verloren ! Satan du hast verloren !
lyrics: martin
music: martin, a.w.a.s.
Here we are, here we come.
Acoustic war against Satan
Saved by the almighty only one,
who gave for you his beloved son.
One day we all will die, once I will see Zion.
Do not trust Satan's lies. I will get to paradise.
Come and see,
fight with me.
Judgement day hasn't jet come.
Fight with me against Satan.
Judgement day will come soon.
Acoustic war against Satan.
You are warriors so come on.
Acoustic war against Satan
Stand up fight as one.
We are strong through the son
Saved by grace of the almighty one.
Acoustic war against Satan.
Eph. 6,12 / 2.Kor. 3-5
lyrics: ruben wedel, martin
music: a.w.a.s.
Don't know what I was asking for so long.
Don't know were I was running so fast.
I heard the answers but I hadn't listen to.
Trying to be apart and playing at two sides.
Hold me up, when all seems to break.
Give me peace, when my life is a war.
Your love never fails me, you're true to the end.
Saved by Jesus, my loving best friend.
Living with him is like a journey home.
The Lord carries me out of this lives darkness,
and washes my sins away.
He loves me even if turn away.
Keep me warm, when my love grows cold.
Stand by me, when I feel alone.
Your love never fails me, you're true to the end.
Saved by Jesus, my loving best friend.